Groningen. June 18-20, 2013

Had a wonderful stay with our friends Heleen and Mark in Groningen, Netherlands.

June 19

Headed North to the coast enjoying a drive around the countryside.  Lovely canals, tree lined roads, windmills, flat fields, bicycles and tiny hamlet villages. All very pretty actually.  Finished the day with a bbq over a few drinks.

Great friends Helen and Mark.  Very very nice that they
looked after us during our short stay.

June 20

City walking tour of Groningen seeing all the sights.

St George, as in St George and the Dragon.

June 21

Took the long path from Northern Netherlands to Northern Belgium along the coast and through driving rain.  Again the countryside was amazing green and beautiful.  During the drive we visited the low point for the Netherlands, at which time the weather gods decided to stop with the rain.

Caroline at the low point of Netherlands.

GPS confirming that we are below Sea Level.

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