Sukhothai. January 6-8, 2014

January 6

Long drive to Sukhothai today. Along the way we stopped at Lopburi to see the local attraction and of course the monkeys. While heading North we saw quite a few police convoys heading South. Later that night in the news we read that Thailand plans to mobilize 20,000 police and 5 army companies to maintain order in Bangkok.

The Monkeys of Lopburi. Well, there were real ones as well.

Elephant making the rounds during dinner at the Night Markets.

January 7

A full day visiting temples. Well, this is another World Heritage Site. We really enjoyed this town, the ruins were spread across a very large area and left us with the impression that this was once a huge and significant community. Makes it a little easier to connect with the ruins when you feel that real people once worked and played around in them. Here are some photos and impressions from the day.

This Buddha was high on a hill overlooking the countryside. 



Subduing Mara Pose 

Lovely Tree

January 8

Last night we had dinner at our hotel and met Robyn from San Francisco. We have an invitation for dinner once we are back home in SF. Looking forward to it!

Off to Mae Sot. We are ready to leave the central plains and are heading for the hills. Goodbye lovely hotel.

Ruean Thai House

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