Mörön (Мөрөн). May 27, 2014

Monday, May 27th

It blew all night and we really felt and heard it in our roof top tent. But regardless, we both got a reasonable night sleep and certainly did not feel the cold with our double duvet setup. And it did not rain during the night, which was nice. The destination for the day was Mörön, some 90kms and 4 hours to the north. In preparation we removed the sand tracks from the roof rack and stored them inside Sterlin where they could be accessed with ease when required.

The morning drive was pleasant enough, with another mixed terrain day. This time all the creek crossings had stone beds and we never risked getting bogged. We averaged about 45kph and it was all very leisurely.

We arrived at Mörön around 1pm and soon found a hotel and more importantly a shower. The hot water only came on at 6pm, so the shower was quite cold. We spent a few hours in the hotel room catching up on Internet and email. 

Just before sunset, which is at 9:15pm here, we went for an evening stroll in town; a stroll made even more enjoyable as there was no trace of wind. A feeling of calm we hadn't experienced for days. We also managed to find a pub where we enjoyed a few Mongolian beers.

Mörön at dusk.

Couple of local brews.

Fast Facts

Day: 367
Date: Tuesday, May 27, 2014.
From: Ulziit Camp
To: Mörön (Мөрөн) 
Distance Travelled: 87 kms (54 miles)

Stayed at: 50º 100º Hotel
Located at: 49.637307º N, 100.159609º E
Hotel Notes: No breakfast. Average wifi. Hot showers in the evening. Onsite restaurant and cafe. T50,000 (about $30 USD)

Map of Mongolia

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