Krakow. August 7-8, 2014

Thursday, August 7th

Move day with a drive from Warsaw, south to Krakow. The road was good, fast and most importantly had by-passes around most of the small villages. We got a little rain along the way. Also along the way we met a couple from Belgium on a tour of the Baltic states in their very lovely Land Rover Defender and custom made ruggedized and color coordinated trailer/camper. You never know who you will meet in a McDonalds car-park.

We rented a small apartment for our 2 days here. Lovely little place and the bus only rattled past every 10 minutes or so. Earplugs came to the rescue.

Friday, August 8th

A big day of exploration. We walked around the Old Town visiting various churches, the Castle and Dragon and generally enjoying the place..

Old Town.

Old Town.

Castle Courtyard.

Castle Courtyard.


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