Seminyak, Bali. October 23-26, 2013.

We flew the long way from Perth to Denpasar (via Singapore), but then it was an awards ticket in business class, so no complaints :)
Arrived at Denpasar airport, breezed through immigration and customs and were met by our driver from our hotel. All very easy.

We checked into Astana Kunti Suite Apartment & Villa Hotel, located on a quiet alley only about 10-15 mins away from the hustle and bustle of Seminyak. We spent the afternoon/early evening walking around Seminyak. Back to the hotel to relax and book the next 2 places we want to go. Getting used to the humid heat might prove one of the more tricky things.

On day 2 we went for a long walk winding our way through the lovely narrow streets of Seminyak and Legian, to Kuta and back. Turned out we walked for about 13km, again in that humid heat, not bad for our second day. Out for dinner to Manneken Pis Jazz Bistro, the first and so far only non-local style food place we've been to, but had to be done.

It just gets busier south from here. Not really our scene.

With Uli.

Today, October 25th, we had a slow morning (managed to get out for coffee) before meeting up for lunch with Uli. In Fremantle, through our friends Louisa and Besim, we met (and got on well with) Ari, who put us in touch with her brother Uli. After walking back to our hotel we stayed out of the heat and lounged in our room.

Internet has been available just about everywhere we had coffee or food: you get a sign-in voucher with your order. Very civilized! Western places can learn from this.

We've only been here 2,5 days but so far have found the ambiance very nice and relaxed. Glad we are staying in 'upscale' Seminyak as opposed to more frantic Legian and Kuta.
The fashion shopping in Seminyak looks fantastic and the prices are much cheaper than what I'm used to paying for similar stuff in the US and Europe. Had I been here for a weeks-or-so holiday I most likely would have needed to buy an extra bag to bring back clothes.

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