To Carnarvon. October 2-4, 2013

Wednesday, October 2nd

Wow, that was a long and boring drive.  Day 1 was from Broome to Port Hedland, some 600kms. Day 2 was from Port Hedland to a place called Milinya Roadhouse and a further 800kms. Day 3 the last 285kms. All this driving had a goal.

But first, a recap of the three days driving.  The scenery was pretty darn boring.  Low scrub punctuated by ugly roadhouses every 250kms.  So lots of sitting in the car, listening to music and watching out for road trains and oversized vehicles.  It is mining country in this part of Western Australia, so lots of white toyota trucks screaming around doing mining stuff.  Port Hedland is a total mining town, but they seem to be working hard to find things for tourists to do.  We did not stay long as we were heading South with a purpose.  Milinya was the roadhouse that we got to before the sun started to set and the road became too dangerous to drive.

Thursday, October 3rd

Day 2 was a long day starting at 8am and finishing around 6pm, so 10 hours on the road.  And just to make it a little enjoyable, the temperatures peaked at 40C again.

Friday, October 4th

Day 3 was shorter. From the roadhouse we drove into Carnarvon to fuel and stock up to go the Gnaraloo Station 3 Mile Camp.

1 comment:

  1. Had no idea about road trains.
    Now I know :)
