Gindou. October 9-12, 2014.

Thursday, October 12

After breakfast we said goodbye to Kim and Vaughan and headed to Gindou, about 160km north of Toulouse. We arrived at our good friend Luc's just after noon. Gindou is a small hamlet away from just about everything and turned out to be the perfect place to relax for a few days.

Le Mély, Luc's place in Gindou.

Friday, October 10th

The weather was not so good with some rain outside which was the main reason we spent the day inside relaxing. It had been a while since we'd taken a pure relaxing day... no visits or touristy things or anything. Also used the time to arrange for Sterlin to be shipped back to the United States. Turned out that there was a lot of paperwork involved even though Sterlin is from the US. There was a form for the EPA to confirm the emissions and a form for DOT to confirm road safety. Of course there were also the regular customs forms. Ok, so some work was done.

Dinner was at Restaurant la Casserole in the nearby town of Salviac. We had a mighty fine 4 course fixed price menu.

Dinner with Luc at La Casserole.

Saturday, October 11th

After a relaxing breakfast we drove 40kms north to Sarlat-la-Canéda for lunch and some sight-seeing of the 14th century medieval town. It was indeed quite beautiful and very well preserved. The south of France is quiet at this time of year, but there are little gems like Sarlat with markets and little coffee shops.

For dinner Luc prepared the most amazing dish with duck. Luc is quite the accomplished cook.

Lunch at Sarlat-la-Canéda

Caroline in Sarlat-la-Canéda

Dinner with Luc (again)

Sunday, October 12th

After breakfast the engine bay of Sterlin was cleaned and inspected for issues. No issues were found. After lunch we walked to Les Arques to visit the church, cemetery and La Musée Zadkine. It was a lovely walk in the sunshine and great to get out of the house for a few hours.

Dinner was prepared by Luc and was the most amazing rabbit and homemade apple sauce. In fact the apples were from Luc's garden. Two of Luc's old friends popped around and they helped us enjoy a few drinks.

Stephen cleaned and checked Sterlin (prior to shipping)

Inside the Musée Zadkine
Mushrooms everywhere after the rain.

Last dinner at Le Mély - we'll be back one day!

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