Nantes, Bordeaux, Dune du Pilat. October 5-7, 2014.

Sunday, October 5th.

On the way to Nantes we made a flying visit to St Malo. We planned to stop for a quick coffee and a look around, but all of the parking was height restricted so we made a u-turn at a round-about and continued South. Oddly enough that round-about was the most westerly point that Sterlin made on the trip at 2.023959°W.

We arrived in Nantes in the evening, checked into a hotel and went for an evening walk in search for dinner.

Nantes Cathedral.

Nantes by night.

Monday, October 6th.

Drove to Bordeaux, got there in the evening, by which time the rain had stopped. We went for an evening stroll and meal in the city's UNESCO World Heritage City Center.

Tour Pey-Berland.

Bordeaux Cathedral.

Tuesday, October 7th.

Before heading to Toulouse we made a detour to La Dune du Pilat, which, with a height of 109-110 meter, is Europe's highest dune.

Windy at the top of the dune.

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