Bern and Zurich. October 16-18, 2014.

Thursday, October 16.

We set off 'reasonably' early towards Zurich, to have time to spend lunch and the afternoon in Bern. And so we did. While driving to Bern we experienced some heavy rains, but, by the time we got to Bern they eased and stopped, making for an enjoyable afternoon wandering around Bern Old City, Unesco World Heritage Site.  Lattes, lunch, the Einsteinhaus, ...


Early evening we continued on to Zurich where we, successfully, went in search of an Irish Pub for some dinner and drinks.

Friday, October 17.

We spent most of the day wandering around town, on a beautiful autumn day. I (Caroline) really really liked Zurich (but for some reason we don't seem to have a lot of photos). Naturally the waterfront was lovely but I preferred the rest of town, a bit away form the main 'tourist' area. With its extensive tram network, cafés and restaurants it somehow reminded me of Gent, Belgium. And there was a Wagamama in town :).
The photo thing might be explained that I saw it more as a place that I could live as opposed to a place to be a tourist... I don't know...

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